Wednesday, March 21, 2018

February 8, 2018

February 8, 2018 -  Opie's Diary of Daily Doings at Rikki's Refuge
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
We started the day at 28 degrees and cloudy .....   lots of really beautiful red sunrises and sunsets lately ......
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
the world is still covered in ice. 

By the time the sun was full up, the skies had cleared to a bright blue

                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
After weeks of lessons, the 3 Amigos have successfully cleaned their own pen !!!!   See how hard they're looking for any more poop to pick up ?    Clarence is doing an amazing job teaching the animals how to help around the farm!!

                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
Ben is ready to help with food prep ....   his favorite job !!!

                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
Riley is all tied up in knots about this new program to learn to clean your own area .....  she wonders what will happen to hoomans when they are no longer needed.

                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
Obie like this learn to work program !!!!   Hey !!!   I did one more little bit of my task ....  I can have nother treat now?
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
num num num .......

Hmmmm  I've got to figure out how to convince mom I'm doing something so I can get more treats ....   Obie is really pullin one over on da hoomans. 

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett
Obie tells Beauty his secret for getting more treats.

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett
Buzz wants to know why they won't let him in on the secret.
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
Treats?  TREATS !!!   Over here .... OVER HERE !!!!!

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett
The guard turkeys gobble the warning .....   someone is coming !!!!!

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett
It's Albert Adventure Monkey come out to visit !!!!!!

                                                                                            photo compliments of Katie Terrill
And bring a whole truck load of donations !!!!!!

                                                                                            photo compliments of Lyn Hamlett
Goliath doing evening rounds to make sure every one is safe and sound. 

                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
HAY?  You talkin to ME?

The hardest job of all
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
seems to be counting the sheep on evening rounds .....   I don't get it .... but the hoomans keep falling asleep out in Ramsey Residence .......

We only made it up to 36 in the very late afternoon ..... but I hear tomorrow is gonna be better !!!!!

Love, Opie 

Thank YOU for making it all possible !

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