Good Morning Good News !!!!
And the Good News is ..... I haven't turned totally blue yet!! Still
waiting for the announcement. Had an email this am saying,
"Congratulations to all winners ..." but not saying who they are or
exactly when it will be posted. SO .......
Is it like August? Like summer's not over yet? Like it's not even
Labor Day let alone Thanksgiving? Or have I gone thru a time warp? I
knew I took a long cat nap, but was it THAT long? Mommey and me had to
go get some stuff and the Dollar Tree is selling - sit down - I mean
like the temperature did drop yesterday - and we needed bankies last
night - but - the leaves are still green - CHRISTMAS STUFF !!!
Ahhhhhhhh Even us cats know this is crazy!
We've got a new "resident" at Rikki's. The traps are going out!! When
we drove up after our trip to Dollar Tree, still in shock, Mommey said,
"What's that on TOP of rabbit rotunda? Did an orange chicken go up
there to sleep? " Then we got closer and Mommey said, "Holly Cow - it's
a CAT!". Not only rabbits live in there but guinea pigs, pigeons and
some other birds. A veritable buffet for a cat.
She wanted me to zoom fast down the driveway, but when ever I'm driving
I'm very careful of my brofurs and sisfurs and sure enough all the
dawgies came out to greet us. (for you unbelievers)
When I parked, Mommmey jumped out of the truck and ran to the well
house and turned on the east system. Then she ran to Rabbit Rotunda and
hooked up the hose and ran it into the rotunda, right to the center,
tippy top, 14 feet up, right where this great big orange tom cat (she
know's cuz she saw golf balls under that tail) was leaning down and
talking to the pigeons and trying to convince them to come up higher,
higher, here little birdy, and trying fit his paws thru the mesh,
pushing and scratching, oh he so wanted to reach those birds. She got
right underneath him and he looked at her and smirked! Yes he did, I
saw it too. And she turned the sprayer on full blast and shot him in
the belly with a stream of water.
She knew it was gonna be good and really wanted to go get the camera and
video it - but she wanted to get him off of there as quick as possible
just in case he'd damaged the roof and was going to figure out how to
get in. She figured saving the residents of Rabbit Rotunda was a
better idea than getting a good video.
He leapt straight up in the air about three feet and then boinged down
on the roof. It's netting stretched out and like a trampoline up there!
He tried to run but couldn't get traction and he boinged again. Kept
boinging and losing about 3 feet of altitude each time. Till he reached
the edge and leapt to the ground. Mommey still had the hose trained
right on him. He was one mad kitty! As he reached the tool trailer and
out of reach of the hose he turned around and hissed Mommey. I'm not
going to translate cuz she'd get mad.
The traps are out and he's gonna have to take a trip to the speuter clinic.
From Crystal Wood: In 1995, Hurricane Marilyn devastated the US Virgin
Islands and Puerto Rico. A man named Dave lived with his cat on a small
boat in the harbor near Red Hook on St. Thomas. Back in those days, they
didn't have the sophisticated weather tracking equipment they do now, so
they knew a hurricane was coming, they just didn't know how bad it was
going to be. By the time it got to the USVI, it was a strong Category 3.
Dave knew he would have to abandon ship and get to a shelter on land
before the worst of the storm hit, but he was afraid that if he put the
cat in a carrier and tried to cross the harborfrom the boat in his
dinghy, they might capsize and the cat would drown in its carrier before
he could save it. So he DUCT TAPED the cat to his bare chest and swam on
his back the 100 or so yards from the boat to the dock in violent wind,
rain, and pounding waves. He determined that he and the cat would make
it out alive or they would go down together. He lost the boat and nearly
everything else he owned, but they made it out alive and the cat lived
to a ripe old age.
I met Dave at the Latitude 18 bar in Red Hook and he showed me the scars
the poor terrified cat inflicted on him. His eyes misted up a little as
he told the story. "That was the best cat I ever had," he said fondly
Now that's what we call a cat lover, not a cat liker!!!
When Cats Attack
Lifeguard dogs in Italy help swimmers in need
In the United States, lifeguards are required to save swimmers who are
in need of help, but in Italy, our four-legged friends are putting their
best paw forward as well. According to the Associated Press, "lifedogs"
have become a vital component to saving swimmers on the many beaches
located in the boot-shaped country. The pups are relied on because of
their ability to jump easily from helicopters and into the water.
"The dog becomes a sort of intelligent lifebuoy. It is a buoy that goes
by itself to a person in need of help, and comes back to the shore also
by himself, choosing the best landing point and swimming through the
safest currents," Roberto Gasbarri, who coordinates the Italian School
of Canine Lifeguards, told the news source. Gasbarri said he will train
any breed, as long as they weigh more than 66 pounds. However, Labrador
retrievers, Golden retrievers and Newfoundlands are the pups most
commonly sought, because of their swimming instincts.
Dog swimming with dolphin
Popcorn Kitties
Well, having trouble keeping my mind on much else ... so back to pacing
and eating .... Will let you know when I know !!!
PS If you don't want your Daily Good New, just let me know! A couple of
you have said you only want Hairballs with out the Good News!! That's
ok! Just tell me. I'm here to make you happy, just tell me how! If
Good New don't make you happy - I could always start Bad News, but, as
you hoomans say, why reinvent the wheel - that's what you've got tv and
newspapers for !!!!!
Have you Voted for Rikki's Today?
Vote Right Now! We can win $s if we have the most votes by August 22,
2010 - you can vote everyday - it's FREE - get everybody you know voting!!!
Rikkis Refuge, Orange, VA, USA
Vincent D. Cat, Official Spokes Cat of Rikki's Refuge
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RIKKI'S REFUGE a 367 acre, no-kill, all species peaceful sanctuary
supported solely by donations of kind and loving individuals, just like
Your donations provide direct support. A financial statement is
available upon written request from the State Office of Consumer
Affairs. All material in this e-mail is copyrighted and cannot be used
for any purpose other than to bring awareness of Rikki's Refuge and the
plight of unwanted animals to the public. Any monetary gain attributed
to this material must be donated to Rikki's.
Phone: 540-854-0870
Address: PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
Member: (,
CFC 77674, CVC 3163, PetsMart Charities #1377
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