Wednesday, August 03, 2016




I'm so cited ... I'm all grown up now ....

And I want YOU to celebrate with me !!!!

gib me hugz ?

I gotz a store who gonna give me special num eatin pressie for my Big Number Five Birthday ....  but I need YOUR help !!!

The nice hooman at the store said I can have a WHOLE pallet of canned nums for only FIVE CENTS an ounce .......   

And if you can spare a quarter .... a WHOLE CAN is only FIVE NICKELS (25 cents) 

I needz at least a whole can for lunch

And GEEZ if you be kind a rich ... maybe, just maybe, you can find FIVE DOLLARS you don't need too back and then you can buy me TWENTY CANS !! 

that IS only about the price of a donut and cup of coffee ya know ....

I wov my GGP !

You could even give me and my friends - cuz I promise to share my Birthday Presents with my friends FIFTY-FIVE CANS for only $13.75 

And if you REALLY REALLY LOVE ME .....  for ONLY FIFTY FIVE DOLLARS you can feed me and my friends TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY cans ....  that's what it takes to feed ALL OF US breakfast !!!!  How about that !!! 

And YIKES .... if you be super duper rich and you wanna be super duper famous at Rikki's Refuge .....  you can give me FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE whole cans for the low low special deal one time offer price of $138.75 !!!  

And ... hey ... it's cheaper than getting me a car !

tho somebody gived me a horse for my birthday ....  this is Honor and he moved in to Rikki's today to spend his retirement years with us .... but I don't think he wants to eat any of my birthday presents .... but maybe you can bring him apple?

BUT THERE IS A CATCH ...  I have to promise to bring the nice man the whole $1,600 and pick up the whole pallet TOMORROW ....  so I really needz your pressie today !!!!  

YOU wants go Birthday shopping wif ME?

You want help me have wonderful BIG NUMBER FIVE BIRTHDAY ?

I love you,

Don’t forget to SAVE A LIFE TODAY !
Rikki’s Refuge
PO Box 1357
Orange VA 22960

And please come see me soon !!