Sunday, June 06, 2010

Good Morning Good News !!!! June 6, 2010

Good Morning Good News !!!!

Thank you all for sending me nice things, stories, jokes, cool stuff, anything that makes me smile makes me happy !!!!! And I like to be happy !!!!

Fe Fi Fo Fum I'm an elephant today !!!!! Stomp stomp stomp. Hand over all your Fancy Feast or I stomp and shake the world !!!! I think I'd like an elephant brofur as long as I didn't get under his feets!!!! Vote? Rikkis Refuge, Orange, VA, USA

Vincent Trivia: Do you know what McDonalds officially calls frequent buyers of their food?
Corporate McDonald's official term "heavy users" is. Is there a double meaning there?

Paws in the Park TODAY Sunday, June 6, 2010 :: 12-4 pm
The Montgomery County Humane Society
1K, 3K, 5K Dog Walk at Wheaton Regional Park, 11751 Orbaugh Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20901

Randy writes in: I heard a sermon years ago where the priest encouraged us to do one quiet, thankless act a day - one you didn’t tell anyone about, one you didn’t overly celebrate - just an act you performed quietly, humbly.

This isn’t as easy as one would think. Most of us want notice for the ways in which we contribute. We want to pat ourselves on the back for our act. None of this is bad per se, but there is a higher spiritual place one can attain by keeping the act to ourselves and being quiet, even to ourselves, about it.

What kind of acts? It could be something as seemingly small as a smile to someone who needs it, cleaning up a park or beach nearby, petting a lonely dog, playing with a child, calling a loved one you haven’t spoken to in a while. Or perhaps its time to look into some volunteer services in your area. (Many of us want to volunteer but something always gets in the way, doesn’t it?)

It’s been much cooler today than the last few days and sounds like it’s gonna get down right chilly tonight !!!! That’s gonna feel good huh??? Have a fabulous day!!!
