Tuesday, January 02, 2018

January 2, 2018

January 2, 2018 - Opie's Diary of Daily Doings at Rikki's Refuge


Ohhhh we've had a horrible day !!!!!    You told me if I came to Rikki's Refuge it'd be all peaceful and happy and wonderful.  I wanna take today back .... it's been horrible ....    The sun was hardly there when the hoomans made us wake up.  WHAT ???   Too cold to get out of our straw bed ... way too cold.  But they made us anyway.  They said we gotta get tutered or somethin.  I asked Opie what that was and he said all big boys had to go get tutered.  


Then me n my brother Georgy got put in a cage.  We didn't like this at all.  Our little sister didn't get to come and she cried weee weeee weee .....   We oinked as we were driven away. 

Until now, living at Rikki's had been really nice.  Lots of food !!!  Nice warm straw.  And nobody saying mean things about wanting to eat us.  How disgusting.  It had been horrible where we were before. 

And WHAT was going to happen to us now?  Were we going BACK?  Oh no .......    Where was this place for tuter?

We went over the mountains and thru the woods and even over a river ... and then .... kalunk .... and we rolled to a stop.  We peeked out and there was nothing to see.  Hooman Tony, really nice to us every day, said, "Oh no guys!!  My truck is dead!  What are we going to do?  It's like 9 degrees out there.  Without any heat, we're gonna freeze."  Tony tried the talk box but nothing happened .....  he said, dang ... no cell service. 

Tony was real upset.  He said geesh guys, what am I going to do?  We need help.  I can't have you sitting here in this cold like this.  But nobody came along to help us.  Tony said, guys, I can't carry you with me, I've got to go for help, I've got to walk.  I'll run, I'm so sorry, there's no way to leave the heat on.  He stuffed his jacket in with us to try and keep us warm and off he sprinted down the road. 

OH NO ....  now we're all alone ....  with no food .....  wrapped up in a hooman smelling coat .....  in a cold truck ....  luckily in the back seat and not the back back of the truck with wind blowing on us.  But it got colder and colder. 

Is this what teutering is all about ?  I don't think I like teuter ......   me and Georgy, we was scared.

Then another truck stopped ....  and somebody got out ....  uh oh .....  were they going to say, "Ohh look!!!  Nummy nummys ... let's take these little piggies home for breakfast."  I heard some hoomans eat pigs for breakfast.  I don't know why.  Me and Georgy and our sister, we don't eat hoomans.  We like to eat corn and oats and sweet feed and bananas and apples and grapes for breakfast.  Why don't hoomans want to eat that too?

But suddenly there was Tony !!!  Smiling and saying, "ok guys, help is on the way!"  He'd hiked to a high part of the road where he could get his talking box to work and back at the farm, Doug said, "Oh Tony are we glad to hear from you.  How are Tommy and Georgy?  We've been so worried about them.  The doc called and said they weren't there.  I've already sent Lauren out to look for you."

So Tony curled up with us to keep us warm.  All three of us was really shakin. 

Lauren got there with her truck all nice and warm and got all three of us huddled up in there to thaw out.  Then she went to work on Tony's truck.  She figured out it was the battery.  And guess what ?  She fixed it!!  Can you see in the bottom right picture HOW she fixed it ????   

The thing to hold on the battery was loose and no tools to tighten it ....  but she's a genius and she said what can we do here to get this going???   We all put on thinking caps.  Lauren dug around in her truck and found ....  a fence staple ..... and said .... hmmmm......   And sure enough she jammed it in there .... and it worked !!!!!    Tony could start his truck up and get warm. 

I thought we could all just go back to Rikki's, be warm and finally have breakfast .... but oh no ....  the day wasn't about to get any better.

When Lauren got us out of the truck .....  we were somewhere we'd never been before.  Some nice sounding hoomans were talking to us and before I knew it Georgy was sound asleep.  I was kind of worry, cus no matter how loud I oinked, I couldn't wake him up.   After a while I was waking up, and so was Georgy.  Huuuuhhhh  what happened?  Our butts was sore .... and we was hungry.  

Lauren said, "it's ok little guys, we can go home now, and when we get ...... way long after going over the mountains and thru the woods and over a river again ....  THEN you can finally have breakfast.  I hope we can get off these windy roads before dark."

Geesh .... and now we're home at Rikki's, we've had good warm oatmeal, we have nice fresh cozy straw, and Opie came out with the puter so we could tell you our story of this awful day.  Opie says this is part of being allowed to live at Rikki's.  But it's only this once our butts will be sore, never again.  I guess that's a small price to pay to live in peace and happiness where we don't have to listen to hoomans talk about eating us.  That's so gross ....  I don't think they really would ....  but Georgy said he's heard hoomans can be pretty creepy.  I'm so glad there's no creepy ones here at Rikki's. 

BUT Opie says we got one more thing we have to do now before we can get back to a life of leisure and eating.  He says WE ... me n Georgy ... have to PAY for this day !!!   WHAT???   It's been horrible and now we owe hooman green stuff too?  How can this be?

Opie says our teuterin cost $150 each .....  and we have to pay Lauren back for the 29 cent staple to fix the truck ......  

That comes to $300 green papers ....  and 29 copper pennies ....  hoomans trade with such weird stuff ....   I don't understand all this.  But it's the price we have to pay to live and be happy.  Opie says we can go look for a job ....  or we can ask you if you have a job ....  and maybe a few spare pennies that you'd help us pay off this debt.   Either that or convince Opie we shouldn't have to pay for such an icky day?

Thank you for saving us and not makin us leave Rikki's to go to work ....

January 1, 2018

January 1, 2018 -  Opie's Diary of Daily Doings at Rikki's Refuge
Happy New Year from Rikki's Refuge

Thank you for your generosity, kindness, and for loving all our animals here at Rikki's Refuge.  They love and appreciate YOU in return!  Your support truly means the world to them.  And to us.  We're happy to partner with you.  Thank you for supplying the funds to buy the feed, the litter, the straw.  We'll happily bundle up, go out there in the cold, and scoop that poop !!!!  

YOU have made our wonderful huge thrift store in Fredericksburg a great success!!!   Keep those donations coming in 2018!!  Time to clean out with all your new Christmas things and let us convert your used items into needs for the animals. 
Looking for great sales today?  Re-Tail is THE place to start.  Come out and visit us today.  Fine jewelry is 33% off, and we get some amazing donations.  Everything else in the store ... yes, EVERYTHING else is 50% off TODAY ONLY.
10 am - 5:30 pm
3503 Lafayette Blvd
Fredericksburg VA 22408

All of us at Rikki's Refuge wish you a most wonderful, happy and prosperous 2018 !!  

I hope you have the chance to visit us this year and see the wonderful work you support and meet the grateful animals you have given a happy home to.

Kerry and Opie