Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018 -  Opie's Diary of Daily Doings at Rikki's Refuge

Early clouds over the northern end of Bovine Boulevard South
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

More clouds over Bovine Boulevard North

                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Frosty 20 degree morning
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
nobody is out and about ....  cept da hoomans .....  they'll wait for the sun to warm things up a bit before coming out of their warm homes. 

The guineas are waiting for the Feed Store to open up and start serving breakfast
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

That's how much cat food was left after serving breakfast .....  Uh Oh ...
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
I put out a plea for help ....  don't let the cats go hungry !!!!   Pleaz !!!

Not warm enough this morning to hose off the deck and scrub the poop away.
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
We'll have to come back and finish that after the temp is above freezing.  Do it when it 22 degrees and you have a great big huge ice slick !!!

Rolling in the sun in the still frosty grass
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Cats and Goats and Ducks waiting outside the Feed Store hoping for a late morning snack !!
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Ben napping in the sun in the window seat at the Life Center
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal

Buddy likes the window seat too and often shares with Ben.
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
I think Buddy is a disgrace ....  he came here lots bigger than me .....   and he's cooperated with da hoomans about this diet thing .....  look at him ....  he's almost the size of a regular cat ....  not a super sized one like me !!!!

Ben wakes up to ask ..... Is breakfast served yet or should I go back to sleep?
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal

Timmy and Sylvestra were playing king of the mountain
                                                                                            video compliments of Opie
taking turns wrestling to see who got the bed and who got the steps. Of course you know it distracts them if you point a camera on them!!!!  Tried the red dot and the batteries went out ..... guess that means a trip to Dollar Tree today!!!!!

Cindy to the rescue !!!!!
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
Arriving in the afternoon with cracked corn, sweet feed, senior horse feed and best of all !!!   CAT FOOD !!!!!    Four bags of the best dael you can get.

Best Deal Cat Food
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
available at Tractor Supply .... $16.99  ....  our kitties eat TWO bags of his size a DAY !!!
Please pick up a bag for us when you're coming out to visit .....  or if you give me the green trading papers, I'll hook up the goat cart and go make the trade and lug it home !!!

Don't worry about your favorite little orange dude gettin squished with such big heavy bags ..... they all know me at Tractor Supply and they'll load up the goat cart and my hoomans will unload it for me back at Rikki's !!!!

This is mere fraction of why we need so much cat food !!!
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

When Cindy saw how bare the Feed Store was she said she'd check and see how many bags of cat food tractor supply had left.

Beauty says, drop on the spot, it's 5 pm and my union contract says .......
                                                                                            photo compliments of Clarence Deal
This is why the dogs never win Cats vs Dogs and get to be the rulers of Rikki's.  You don't see them workin all day and all night to make sure everybody is fed and taken care of.  No way .... you see ME doing that .... and I'm a CAT .....   Cats are Rulers .....  Dawgs are Droolers ......  and tomorrow Beauty will be in my office AGAIN asking why she hasn't gotten a raise in years !!!

Good night from Bub, Goose and Bella
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

And despite working since well before the sun was up ....  and looking forward to some supper and sit down time ..... when the call came as the last pink rays of sun were on the horizon ...  Papa Doug geared up for another round when that voice on the other end of the phone said, "a nice lady named Cindy stopped in and asked us to reserve cat food for you but it's got to be picked up tonight."
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal
Yup, we gotz most of a pallet here you can come and get !!!!   But you gotta bring the Little Orange Dude so we can snuggle him !!!!   Everybody just loves me !!!   You can come meet me at out book signing at Re-Tail on the 24th ....  I hope you do .....   and bring nums !!!!

Off into the sunset to stock the pantry !!!
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Now THIS is the kind of truck I'll get up out of my nice warm bed to go open the gate for !!!!
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Home to unload our weeks supply of dry cat food !!!!
                                                                                           photo compliments of Doug Deal

Will Papa Doug get ANY sleep tonight ?????   He's missed dinner .....  and after unloading he'll do a round to check on every body and make sure nobody's water has iced over and everybody is safe and sound and all is well .....

And he's got to be on the road again at o'dark thirty to go on a mission for the dogs ...... 

Love, Opie 
Thank YOU for making it all possible !

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