A Special
I know lots of you know that
April 30th is my dad, Vincent D. Cat’s, birthday. It’s also the day he crossed the Rainbow Bridge two years
ago. But did you know it’s my Grandma,
Kerry’s, birthday too? Maybe that’s why
she and Vincent had such a special bond ....
they shared their birthday.
Though Grandma had been on the planet about a hundred and elebenty years
before Vincent was born.
They, Dad and Grandma, had
the same dreams .... the same beliefs
.... and the same worries ....
They both dreamed of a world
where everyone was nice and everybody loved everybody and all were kind to each
other no matter what. No matter what
species they were, no matter if they were differently-abled, no matter anything
and everything. A world where us
aminals were treated kindly and with respect.
And a world where hoomans got along with each other and worked together
to make the planet nicer for all of us who share it.
They believed in doing nice
things, in helping each other out, in lifting a paw to be kind. They believed if everyone would just lend a
paw instead of point a finger ..... the world would become a kinder more loving
place. And that helping would
snowball. Every time somebody helped
somebody .... somebody else would help somebody else ... and it would be come contagious. There’d be no bad talkin and nobody hurting
nobody ... cuz everybody would be helping everybody !!!
And they worried about
having all the resources they need every single day to take care of all us
aminals at Rikki’s Refuge. They worried
about that a lot. Even though, with all
their hard work, they’d worked out a system so it only cost $1 a day per animal
.... they still have to worry about
where that $1,300 is coming from every day.
With 1300 hungry animals every morning, they have to worry where all
those meals were coming from. With so
many individuals at our sanctuary having special needs, they have to worry
about giving them all the care they need, every day.
And so for April 30, with so
many memories, happy and sad, I’d really like to walk in my Dad’s footsteps and
be a great big huge help to my Grandma as she takes care of all the
animals. I’d like to reach out like my
Dad always did and try to make the world a kinder, happier and more helping
Would you pick one of these
things to do, to help me make it a great day?
Give some extra love and
kindness to someone. Extend kindness to
someone differently-abled, to a different species. Help make peace some where, some how .... Smile to add kindness and love to your
world. Be nice to everybody you
meet. Be the first domino in a chain of
kindness, do a random act of kindness and say a little prayer that it will
continue thru the next person and to the next and just keep on going .... on and on and on .... forever !!!
Or lend a paw where it’s
really needed. Do some volunteer
work. No matter what you like, us
aminals, hooman kids, babies, great great grand folks, the environment ....
there’s something somewhere close to you where your helping hands can make a
difference. Pick an aminal up off the
street, help a neighbor, bite your tongue when you’re tempted to make an unkind
or critical or harsh remark and instead reach out a hand to that person and
help .... or smile ... and reach out and help someone .... anyone. If everyone did one kind act of lending a
paw every day, what a wonderful planet we’d be living on !!!
Or help Grandma make ends
meet at Rikki’s Refuge. She always
worries so about having enough nums for us all. My pantry is low again.
That’s the cat department. It’s
always low cuz all 600 of us have great appetites !! So I’d love to buy a pallet of canned nums to help stop some of
the worry from Grandma’s mind and to give her a night she could sleep without
worry. Would you help me with
that? I found a deal where I can get 22
oz cans of nums for $1 each .... That’s
$12 for a case .... And $1452 for a pallet.
A pretty good deal if I do say so my furry little self !!!! But I gotta order on April 30 to get this
special Birthday Deal .... Would you help me buy a can ... just $1 ... or a case $12 ... or two $24 ...
or ten $120 ... ?? www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate If you’ll help me it’ll make me so happy and
I’ll feel like I’m really doing my job as Ruler of the Refuge .... it makes me feel so good to help Grandma
make ends meet and keep all us aminals fed and happy at Rikki’s !!!
Thank you,
Love, Opie
You can help me make this
Birthday/Memorial wish come true by clicking right here www.RikkisRefuge.org/Donate
VOTE today!!
Help us win the grant to buy
a pallet of cat food .... please vote
today and every day thru June 29 !!!
It’s easy, simple and FREE to vote .... you just go to this link http://www.shelterchallenge.com/web/charityusa/nomineehome?userId=53331&nomineeId=17448
enter Rikkis Refuge (no ‘ ... see ??)
in VA in the USA and that’s it ...
they’ll ask you to copy in a secret word .... sometimes it’s a cool word ... like feast ... and some times it
just a bunch of letters !!!! But if
you can copy it right .... than you’ve voted right !!!! Thank you
Rantoul, Illinois
... with your support we’re
able to help so many into their new furrever happy homes .... and to give that life long home to those not
quite so fortunate ... Thank you for your
Without YOU none of us would
be looking forward to Spring!!
Love you bunches,
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