Tuesday, January 09, 2018

January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018  - Opie's Diary of Daily Doings at Rikki's Refuge

The day dawned rather icy here .... 
even though the rain stopped falling before we froze over in the wee hours, everything was still wet and became a solid sheet of slick ice. 

No one was stirring at Doggy Downs

Until Buzz caught up to help with morning rounds

NOBODY enjoys slipping and sliding around ....  especially while carrying 50# sacks of feed, 5 gallon buckets filled with water, and platters of canned cat food !!!!  

Mouky must have been a dog in a past life.  He makes morning rounds no matter what !!

The sun finally came up bright over the horizon and melted all the ice off  .....  

It made it into the low 50's today ....  WOW feels tropical !!!

Everything is thawing out finally, even the ground and the giant piles of ice ....  but now it's starting to be a muddy mess!!    And oh the poop to scoop up from the thawing out process.  You just can't get all of it when it's frozen to the ground in shady spots, or buried in a pile of ice or snow !!!   Clean up after lots of frozen solid days is kind of disgusting !!!  But absolutely necessary !!!

Many of our old animals have kidney issues, especially cats.  Giving them subQ fluids makes them feel good, keeps up their appetite and helps them to live long happy lives.  We have lots of old folks, so the medical staff spends several hours a day just keeping those who need it well hydrated and healthy and feeling good.  Most of them don't mind getting their fluids, cus they also get a can of Fancy Feast or tuna while they're being treated !!!

Our order of fluids arrived today.   $798.60  ...  yikes ... and now we have to pay that bill.  Really a small price to keep so many geriatrics feeling good and playing like kittens !!!! 

Won't you help?  www.rikkisrefuge.org/donate?purpose=Vet

You help support our habit .... and we'll handle the needles and be the ones getting bit and clawed !!!!  
I think that makes us a great team, don't you?

All in all it was a quiet peaceful non eventful day ....  Just what we hope for every day .... But not what we often get !!! 

We once had notes in the medical log to give a medication on "odd" days ....  as in every other day .... and someone said ....  Geesh, that must mean EVERY DAY cus all days around here are pretty odd !!!!!    But we do occasionally have just a nice calm, no surprise day !!!

Look who's hiding out and patiently waiting for dinner !!!

He knows the hospital patients are fed first  ....  and is waiting to be the next in line !!

Good night !!!!  
It's been a lovely day ....   Hope to see you on a tour in the near future !!!

Love, Opie 

ps.  If you missed a day of our adventures, you can find all my Diary posts on my blog !!!!   www.RikkisRefuge.blogspot.com/

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