Tuesday, April 11, 2017

GMGN - 4/11/17

GOOD MORNING GOOD NEWS ---- April 11, 2017

April is Cats vs Dogs ..... 

If YOU haven't cast YOUR vote yet ......  please HURRY !!!!

Now, Let's hear from our candidates.

I'm on the ball, always one step ahead of the game, and that's why I brought the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunting to my small hooman friends a whole week early !!!!!   I love having events for my small hooman friends !!!!!  VOTE CATS  and you'll keep seeing these events !!!!   Opie

If you got somefin to eat, I'll be right there trying to get a taste !!!!!   Don't you want me to lick YOUR face? 

Oh geesh, Obie ....  you dawg .....  
I make sure my hooman friends get to meet ALL of us at Rikki's Refuge .....  I share and share alike ... well, except my Fancy Feast maybe ....  but I five equal time to all my furry and feathered friends ....  I don't hog time .... except at the food bowl .....   I want our visitors to meet everyone of every species so they understand the hard work we do here and how many critters I'm responsible for feeding each and every day.  And I can only do that with YOUR HELP !!  Please VOTE CATS !!!   Opie

Look at ME look at ME ....  come for a visit and I'll be right there by your side ....  you do come to see ME don't you? VOTE DOGS  !!!  Obie

Up close and purrsonal !!!!  That's what I offer YOU !!  Every tour every day ....  I make sure you get to really know all about who lives here.  This is Madison, he was so skinny somebody called animal control and his owner was ordered to get him medical attention or put him down.  And he was just gonna kill him off.  Well I let Madison come to Rikki's.  And I called our wonderful livestock vet to come out and visit him.  And you know what I found out?  Madison wasn't sick, that's not why he was skinny.  He was skinny cus he was in a small muddy area and he didn't have enough food ...  he was starving.  I asked you for green paper to trade for his doc and to trade for lots of good food.  And YOU listened !!  And that is why Madison is alive today.  You cared.  You made a difference .....  and if YOU VOTE FOR CATS ....  we'll continue doing this great work together. 

Madison is loosing his winter coat now that it's warming up ... it's kind a funny looking ... he's loosing it in areas and not very even.  But that's ok ....  no matter what you look like ....  WE LOVE YOU AT RIKKIS REFUGE !!! VOTE CATS   !!!    Opie 

Hey Opie !!!   Sniff sniff  I'm real good at sniffing things ...... VOTE DOGS  !!!   Obie 
Oh.. uggghhh  get me outa here ....  ickkk Obie ... you ARE a DOG !!!    One more reason to VOTE CATS !!!   Opie 

I have a very important public service announcement.  Please listen up.
Animals are NOT toys .....  you don't "get" animals for Easter or any holiday or ever for a gift.  Animals are living, breathing, thinking, caring critters ....  and they ALL need lots of care and food and to see the vet .....  and they ALL poop ....  so don't go getting a animal when what you really want is a toy.  Get a toy.  That's why they make toys. 

Please don't buy Chicks or Ducks or Bunnies for Easter .....  and I'll tell you why.  Do YOU know what happens to them a few weeks, maybe a month or two, after Easter?  If they haven't died cus folks didn't know how to take care of them, or didn't understand that any babies are fragile and get hurt or killed easy ....  then they probably get dumped somewhere. 

Yup ....  couple weeks after Easter I start getting the phone calls ....  HELP Opie ....  can you take a duck or a chick or a rabbit?

And you know what?  Cus YOU are such a kind and loving person and cus YOU listen when I tell you I need money to save a life ......  I can say YES ... I'll take the poor duck or a chick or a rabbit and let them live a wonderful life. 

Just another reason .... TWO reasons to VOTE CATS !!!   I provide you with public service announcements ....   and I help YOU save lives !!!!    Opie

Us dogs is bigger than them cats !!!!  Now that's a good reason to VOTE DOGS !!!  Obie

We endorse Opie and we urge YOU to VOTE for CATS !!!   We've seen it first paw.  Opie saves lives.  With YOUR help, Opie saved us.  Our hooman mom died and we had no place to go.  We're not young little kittens, we've been around ..... and we wanted to stay around and stay together.  Opie welcomed us into his home and Opie makes sure we get two great meals a day, he helped us to make friends, he got nice beds for us ....  gee ...  this Opie dude is a nice guy.   Yes he is ......  Please VOTE FOR OPIE cus every vote you cast is money Opie uses to take care of us.  Without YOU and your VOTE TODAY .....  we might not have enough to eat. 
VOTE CATS !!!  Nibs and Murphy

I'm gonna teach every dawg at Rikki's to be friendly and outgoing and to love our visitors ....  I pledge every dawg will look forward to meeting strangers ....  cus a stranger is just a friend with treats we haven't met yet !!!!!  VOTE DOGS !!!  Obie
The heck you are, Obie.  If I want to be leery of hoomans I don't know, that's MY right.  Opie has always respected my rights ..... and I still get lots of good food ....  and a nice place to sleep where I can stay away from strangers.  Opie respects who I am and lets me be me.  I'm endorsing Opie.  VOTE CATS !!!   Beauty

Hi ya all !!!  My name is Milo and I'm a goat.  I've conferred long and hard with all the goats ....  and we endorse Opie.  He's nice, he makes sure we get lots of nums, and we get out feet taken care of, and we get medicine when we're sick.   YOU all are nice to us cus Opie asks you to be.  Obie wants to chase us.  He says he's playing.  But Opie lets US do the chasing.  So we goats stand united and we endorse Opie ..... 
VOTE CATS !!!!    Thank you, Milo

Ok, Obie .... you're doing a miserable job here.  Let me give you some pointers about what makes a good leader ....  you gotta take care of EVERYBODY .....  you have to put their needs before your own .....  come on ... work with me a couple days and you can try telling folks what you learned next time .....   Opie

               DON'T YOU THINK !


Don’t forget to SAVE A LIFE TODAY !
Rikki’s Refuge
PO Box 1357
Orange VA 22960

And please come see me soon !!

In the mean time, Keep up with us on Facebook and you'll get the minute to minute details about what's going on at Rikki's Refuge .... you'll be the first to see the new residents .... and the first to know about up coming events !!!

Rikki's Refuge

Opie and Vincent's Page

Duke's Page

Re-Tail Thrift Store in Fredericksburg

The Duke Thomas Peabody Antique and Collectables Shoppe in Culpeper

Opie's and Mom's Purrsonal Profile

Opie's Edibles for Fun Animal Friendly Recipes and Cooking Tips: https://www.facebook.com/OpiesEdibles

Vincent D. Cat's Gathering Place, a place to hang out, chat, and have fun

Kitty Litter-Ature

Rikki's Crazy Cat Person Club

For the Love of Black Cats

Our Website
which needs help getting up to date .... if you "do" WordPress and would like to help, let us know Volunteers@RikkisRefuge.org

Rikki's Refuge is owned and operated by Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc., an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Virginia Corporation. Federal Tax-ID 54-1911042. Your donations provide direct support. A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs.

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