Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Good Morning Good News !!!! Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Good Morning Good News !!!!  Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wow Weeee it’s cold out there this morning !!!  I made mommey turn on the heat ....    OH I HAVE EXCITING NEWS .....    something wonderful has happened .....   this is so .... just the best ....   Ohhhhh   .....   a good friend came to visit me !!! 

Somebody I love lots .....  and he said ....  “Hey Opie ....  I miss your dad.  Good Old Vincent.”  I had to wipe away a tear then, I miss my dad too. 

And he said, “you know his birthday is at the end of the month, April 30th to be exact .... and I’ve been thinking ....  that’s the same daycomes to a close ....  and I want to do something special in honor of Vincent !  And you too of course little Orange guy.” 

I said ... OHHHHH wonderful ... you gonna make me a Fancy Feast Cake for Dad’s Birthday?  

“No, no, my little one,” he said, “but I’m thinking I’d like to offer a super big DOUBLE YOUR DONATION challenge.  What do you think of that?” 

Oh yeah !!!!   That be fun !!!!   Double MY Fancy Feast? 

“Well not quite my little friend,” he said, “but how about if I put up a $5,000 challenge .... for ....  I’ll match $5,000 in donations !” 

WOW, my friend, that is so COOL .... so NICE of you .... but is there a catch ? 

“Oh no!! He said .... and I’ll even give you an extra can of Fancy Feast when I come over to write that check.  Now there is one thing ....  YOU, my little Orange Buddy, YOU have to take on the responsibility of telling everybody and urging them to help you DOUBLE THIS DONATION ....  cuz I’m only gonna double ... what YOU can raise !!!   Oh .... and ... well ... there’s one more catch ....   MY $5,000 goes to CATS !!!!    Now your other donors may choose Cats or Dogs .....  but MY share goes to in honor of Vincent !!!!   

Oh ok !!!   I can work with that !!!!     

And so I’m here today ....  to ask for your VOTE and for your HELP .... 

You DO know about April and

I mean it’s like REALLY IMPORTANT ....  It’s the MOST important VOTE of the year.  

See there’s me, Opie, the leader of the CAT TEAM and there’s Duke, leader of the DOG TEAM .... and every April our supporters get to vote for who’s gonna RULE THE REFUGE for the next year.   Us CATS have always been the rulers .... and you know why ...

                Cats Rule ...                                     Dogs Drool .....

SO it’s really quite simple .....  

is also very important cus it’s how we feed and take care of everybody.  At Christmas time everybody is so generous.  And they feed us for the next couple months.  But by April the pantry is pretty empty again .... and it gets scary .... I mean being hungry is really bad .....  and we can’t have no friends here sick and no money to go see the doc .... so we really need your help in April ... we need your help so we can take care of everybody for the next few months.

So it’s a put your money where your mouth is vote !!!!  
If you say you love the animals, if you say you don’t want to see homeless animals, if you say WHY doesn’t SOMEBODY do something .....   well this is the chance to be the somebody ...

Just $1 feeds FOUR meals .....  $5 keeps the fleas off one of us for a MONTH  ..... $25 updates all the shots for one of us for a YEAR ..... $47 totally takes care of one CAT for a whole month   
.....  $63 totally takes care of one DOG for a whole month     

$564 would take care of ME for a WHOLE YEAR ....  well, maybe not .... but it’d take care of most of my cat friends here who get nums twice a day ....  I have to work xtra hard to bring Rikki’s Refuge to YOU each and every day and so it takes a little more to take care of me ....  like I really need more than TWO cans of Fancy Feast every day ... I mean ... I do deserve it .... don’t I?

$756 takes care of Duke for a year !!!  Yeah ... everything costs more for dogs .... they eat more ....  I think I should be allowed to eat as much as Duke ....  it’s cuz they starve me that I’m only a little guy and he’s so big ....   their flea drops are bigger ... they take more meds .....  it’s all just bigger .....

Anyway .... so now YOU can VOTE and your VOTE will be DOUBLED

So if you like Cats ... like who doesn’t ....  please right here

And if you just want to make Duke and the dawgs feel good so they don’t get totally trumped you can right here

Just ONE little catch .....   remember   YOUR DONATION WILL BE DOUBLED ....   and your donation will generate an equal number of VOTES FOR THE CATS if you write DOUBLE MY DONATION in the comments !!!!

Hurry Hurry ... lets see how quick we can DOUBLE THAT $5,000 !!!! 

and please ....   !!!!  

Hey, all of YOU who came to see me at Re-Tail on Saturday for our big party THANK YOU  !!!!!   We had a blast !!!!!

Thank you for making our lives fun !!!!

You know it’s EVENT SEASON !!!!  

That means we need volunteers who’ll go places with us .... help us sell Tshirts and other cool things ....   help us meet the public ....  and just have lots of fun.

Wanna be an Event and Festival Volunteer?    Just tell us here where you’d like to go, what kind of events, and in which direction !!!!   We’ll teach you how to be a super star !!!!

the Official Spokes Cat at Rikki's Refuge and his support team, Timmy and Sylvestra
and I sure hope you'll vote for ME and MY KIND before the end of April -- vote as often as you like -- so I can remain the Ruler of the Refuge for another year !!!  Thank you !!!!

1 comment:

TT in MD said...

yay for the double challenger! donation made :)