Monday, June 27, 2011

In Honor of Wayne H. Morris

Hey there ....
isn’t that MY handsome face on YOUR shirt?

And so I got to thinking ........

I worked hard to do my first self portrait ........

Wayne H. Morris makes really pretty pictures of me and my friends.  He’s been a big help fundraising for us at Rikki’s.  I can’t even begin to count the number of animals who’s lives have been saved and helped because of his artwork, or as I call it, his heartwork.

I love his work
Especially of ME !!!!

What can I do to let Wayne know how much I appreciate all he’s done for me and all the animals of the planet?

.......   and it was back to the drawing board
Practice, Practice and more Practice.

I studied Wayne’s pictures, and why they are so captivating.  I want to be just like Wayne!!  The hoomans say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Hundreds, thousands of canvases went to the burn pit ....  and finally,


With a little help from my friend Melissa who guided me in the finer points of aesthetics.

And now I want to give my new painting to Wayne H. Morris as a token of my love and appreciation.  And I want YOU to help me.  In honor of Wayne, 25 of you - and ONLY 25 of you - can play this game with me and help me let Wayne know how much he means to us all.

9 pieces are sold ......   only 16 more players allowed in the game !!!!

Yikes!!  What happened to my new painting????

Mom’s taken a picture of my new self portrait and turned it into a jigsaw puzzle with 25 pieces.

You can buy a piece of my puzzle for $10 right here

When all 25 pieces are sold, the piece holders will get the secret address where they can go on line and work on solving the puzzle!

The first one of my 25 special friends who solves the puzzle and sees my new self portrait, takes a picture of it complete and posts it to my facebook page  will win an 8 x 10 color print, purrsonally pawtographed by me.

And Wayne will win the original painting!!!!

And where will the money collected go?  It’s going to help our woodland friends.

The survey of the property is done.  All boundaries have been marked with wooden stakes.  Next week the surveyor is going to walk mom, and anyone who wants to go, around the boundary.  He’s sunk poles at all the corners.  And he’s put wooden stakes in the ground along the line.  He’s suggested we replace the wooden stakes with metal T-posts pounded deep into the ground.  He says we’ll need about 100 to do the job.  This fun game will let us buy the first 60 so we can get started.

Get Ready ....  Get Set ..... GO .....  tickets / pieces are now on sale!!!!!


Nora said...

I want that t-shirt!!!

Kerry said...

Right here Nora

melanie klein said...

Love your pics! will def stop back nxt week and buy a puzzle if any are left otherwise gonna have to get one of those cute cute cute shirts myself! What you are doing is fantastic! and creative! bless you you all but esp the furry ones!!!