The newsletter of thanks from grateful animals
to their beloved rescuers brought to you by
Duke Thomas Peabody and Vincent D. Cat
Building a Better Planet
One Rescued Animal at a Time
portraits compliments of artist Wayne H. Morris
You can make Duke’s and Vincent’s job easier
We are the Happy Animals of Rikki’s Refuge
who so thank you for giving us the gift of our lives and the tools to build our Refuge. We represent all the animals, the world over, whose lives have been saved by kind and loving people just like you. Thank you for being an animal rescuer.
Table of Contents
The Campaigning is Going Crazy !!!
It’s Cats vs Dogs
Does All That Voting Really Pay Off?
$5,000 JUST WON
Village Farm Feed and Garden Center
Helps Rikki’s Refuge
It’s Easter - Help the Future Rabbits of Rikki’s Refuge
Meet Some of the Happy Residents of Rabbit Rotunda
for their Rightful Owners the WILD ANIMALS
Adopt a Doggie
Foster homes needed - kittens and Puppies
Bunny Bonanza - refund
Inner Circle
Help my Vet and my Pharmacist
Meet YOUR Friends!!
Nanny the Oldest Goat on the Planet
Sally the Fattest Goat on the Planet
Napoleon, an Elderly Gentleman
Great Purrchases
Paw Painted Easter Eggs by Mystique the Kitty Artist
Too Hot For Spot - Saves lives
Adorable Vintage Easter Postcards
Royalty Paraphernalia
Beanie Babies Frogs
6 Beanie Babies One Price
Graduation Time
Upcoming Events
Message from Vincent
The Campaigning is Going Crazy !!!
It’s Cats vs Dogs
Vincent D. Cat, long time ruler and ring leader of Rikki’s Refuge, continues to use every trick he can pull from his sleeve
to maintain a large lead. Despite his, sometimes questionable campaign tactics,
Vincent’s loyal constituents vow to keep him as the His Honorable Ruler and Lord High Potentate of Rikki’s Refuge no matter what it takes.
KiKi, the largest resident dog
of Rikki’s announced yesterday, a cat defector has gravitated to the “poor” dogs’ side. Previously a big cat supporter, Jan, is heartsick at the poor dogs losing every contest they’ve ever been in to Vincent. For once, just once, Jan said, she wants to see the poor underdogs win.
And so she tossed out a challenge to the dog people, and to any other defecting cat people. Jan has pledged up to $1,500 in matching donations for Duke and the dogs’ team. That could pull in another $3,000 into to dog court. $3,000!!! If, and only if, anyone will step up to the challenge and match that challenge.
Would you click on Duke to toss a hundred bucks to the dogs to see them get two hundred? Fifty to see them get one hundred? Twenty five to see them get fifty? Would you even toss ONE dollar to the dogs to see them get TWO? Anyone?
Amazingly enough there seems to be no one willing to take up the challenge to support poor faithful friendly blind Duke Thomas Peabody.
But the challenge did spark some interest for Vincent’s side!! That bright eye-ed beloved mascot of Rikki’s Refuge, the nose kissing, head butting, humane educator, racked up still more votes yesterday!
So how can this be? Double your votes for Duke Thomas Peabody and the Dogs or single votes for Vincent D. Cat and all things purry - and yesterday’s votes were ALL cast in honor of Vincent!
Is Vincent really that cleaver?
Where do you cast your vote? Click on your Candidate, to vote for Vincent D. Cat or DOUBLE your vote for Duke Thomas Peabody!
YOU make the choice !
Who will be the next Ruler of the Refuge?
bvc bvc bvc bvc
On a Serious Note Now
Does All That Voting Really Pay Off?
is what you won for Vincent
in the Bissell Photo Contest
And that’s nothing to laugh at!! The publicity will be tremendous. The folks at Bissell love the animals and want to help promote their cause. Vincent has won a $5,000 grant for Rikki’s Refuge, and a $250 shopping spree at the local Fancy Feast dealer and a new Bissell Vacuum to help keep Rikki’s Refuge fresh and clean AND his face will be on Bissell boxes the world round for the next year!!!
Thank you Deb Barrett for taking this prize winning photo of your favorite star, Vincent !!!
2011 MVP Winners
We are excited to announce the winners of the 2011 BISSELL Most Valuable Pet photo contest! These pets were chosen by our panel of judges from the weekly finalists based on condition of coat, expression and overall appearance.
Each of these pets will appear on a future BISSELL product box. Their parents will receive a donation to their pet charity of choice, a BISSELL pet vacuum or deep cleaner for their home and a shopping spree. We appreciate everyone who participated!
Vincent D. Cat
Bright-eyed and enthusiastic, Vincent D. Cat travels to schools and other groups to help teach humane virtues. His pet parents entered Vincent in the contest with the hopes of making a donation to Rikki's Refuge, an organization that supports 1,250 animals of 22 species, who saved his life.
When interviewed by Bissell and asked what his campaign methods to win were and what he intended to do with his winnings, Vincent replied:
I’m so proud to be in second place! ME, Vincent D. Cat, Official Spokes cat of Rikki's Refuge!
Last year my friend Rainbow Diamond of Diamond Dachshund Rescue Texas won second place.
I'm a real celebrity on Facebook and this year my friend Zoe Marie Cuppiecake Peanut Spumoni decided to help handicapped animals. You see I only have three legs and that's why I came to Rikki's Refuge.
Zoe asked 12 of her handicapped cat and dog friends to run in the Bissell contest, one each of the 12 weeks. Our goal was to raise awareness that handicapped pets deserve the right to live and not to be euthanized just for being different.
Zoe, who's blind, ran in week one. My other friends Rockie, Jimmy, Guido, Grady, Timmy, Bela, Clover, Sugar and NeeNee all ran too. Some of them were representing Rikki's Refuge and some were representing their own rescue organization or one they supported. We all work together because we know all animal rescue places need financial help all the time. And we know that any animal getting help, is good for all of us!!! All of my friends placed first or second in their week and so they all made it to the finals!
I ran in week 5 of the contest - Valentine's Week and my campaign was
Vote for Vincent YOUR Valentine Varmint. I placed second in my week and that meant I got into the finals.
My doggy brother and Rikki's Refuge's Spokes Dog for the Blind, Duke, ran in week 11. Duke placed second in his week too so he made it to the finals with me.
When we saw Bissell show up on caller id and started playing phone tag with them, Duke and I didn't know what to expect!!
Did Duke win?
Did I win?
Or did one of our friends representing Rikki's Refuge win!!
Well it turned out to be ME who won second prize. This means Rikki's Refuge will receive $5,000 and I'll get a $250 shopping spree and a Bissell vacuum and I'll get my picture on Bissell boxes the world over for a year!!! I'm so very excited.
You know what I'm going to do with my $250? I'm gonna buy cases and cases of Fancy Feast - that's my favorite thing to eat!!!
You know what I'm going to do with $5,000 for Rikki's Refuge?
First my brofur Sydney is going to get eye surgery for a condition we've been managing with medicine, but the surgery will be a big help to him and he won't need eye drops every day.
Second my sisfur Marella is going to get an ultrasound and probably bladder surgery so she doesn't have recurring infections.
That still leaves me with enough money to buy one full month of flea and tic preventative for all 1259 of us. Yes that's right, there are 1259 of us living at Rikki's Refuge, representing 22 different species and we each need specialized care. So that's a lot of flea and tic prevention every month.
And still that leaves enough money left over for two new residents to join us. Old Man Mac was left at a shelter, elderly and nobody wanted him. He'd be put to death if he can't come here. Now he has a place to spend his retirement in joy and surrounded by love.
The other new friend is a kitty with feline leukemia who can now live out her life in happiness. Sometimes kitties with the leukemia virus don't live very long, but many live long and happy lives. The leading cause of death for leukemia kitties is being euthanized in shelters cus nobody wants you. At Rikki's Refuge, we have a special kitty house just for them!
Thank you Bissell Vacuum cleaners for helping me to clean up!!!
Thank you all my FRIENDS for taking the time out of your busy days to vote, every day, day in and day out, and make wins like this possible!!!
Vincent hooks up the goat cart for a trip around the refuge and around town to thank all his friends for all the team work and effort they put into the Bissell Contest. It was 12 long hard weeks and YOU all ROCK!!! Thank you for putting me here!!! I'm so proud of you for helping to get $5,000 to save the lives of more critters.
vote every day thru Sunday June 19th
The Animal Rescue Site - Shelter Challenge
quick, simple, free
Your daily vote can win $1,000 - $5,000 for Rikki’s Refuge’s Animals!
We NEED your vote to move ahead!
If we can win ONE contest a month we can keep the refuge running!
There’s lots of ways you can vote
as long as you remember to enter
Rikkis Refuge, USA, VA, Orange,
click on any of these and take it from there !!!!
Village Farm Feed and Garden Center
Helps Rikki’s Refuge
Lyle from Village Farm Feed and Garden Center stopped by to donate a whole truck load of grain for the herbivores yesterday!!! Thank you Village Farm Feed and Garden Center!!
Be sure to stop in and visit them on your way to Rikki’s. Tell them Vincent the cat sent you. They’re right down the road, a great place to stop off and pick up some dog food to bring out to Rikki’s. We’re really low on canned dog food, so please stop in and bring some out.
Between Route 3 and 522 when you’re coming to visit us and headed out of Fredericksburg. They’re about 10 miles away at 28284 Constitution Highway, Rhoadesville, VA 22542. If you get a chance, stop in and say, “Thank you for feeding Vincent’s Friends!” and pick up something for your critters or bird food for our wild friends, or grab a few cases of canned cat or dog food or some Fancy Feast!!! http://www.villagefarmfeedandgardencenter.com/ (540)854-8888
It’s Easte
Help the Future Rabbits of Rikki’s Refuge
Rabbit Rotunda #1 is at capacity with rabbits and guinea pigs and pigeons and a few handicapped ducks, chickens and geese and a pheasant. Rabbit Rotunda #2 is under construction. Today Saturday the 23rd you can help with the building. The waiting list of animals seeking haven is long. Please come on out and help us finish up with the building. You don’t need to be skilled, just able to follow directions!! Work progresses each weekend so if you can’t make 4/23, check in for the next supervised work day!!
Meet Some of the Happy Residents of Rabbit Rotunda
for their Rightful Owners
Yeahhhh thank you James and thank you Ellie!!! Two weeks ago a lady came and said she had a right of way thru our woods, meandering up and down and all around, to get to her property and she wanted to cut a big wide trail so logging trucks could go and come and cut down all the trees on her property.
Before I could pick my jaw up off the floor, I was thinking this is NOT a good idea. I don’t think you can do this and I sure won’t give you permission to cut down trees on our property and kill the animals that live in the trees and in the creeks that would get run over and in the wetlands that would get filled in. I needed help to figure out what’s what. And so that’s where James the best surveyor in town and Ellie, friend to the animals lawyer, came into play. And they worked hard, day and night, searching deeds and titles and saying is it possible ... And they dug up all the history they could for the last couple hundred years, and they said no, it’s not right, the lady can’t come thru the refuge to do that. Yeahhh.
And so the nice lawyers sent a letter to the lady explaining why she couldn’t do that and it started out like this.... the Refuge was founded in 1998 and has become very well know in Virginia as a preservation oriented, habitat sensitive, no-kill, all species, peaceful animal refuge. During 13 plus years of operation, the refuge has worked to preserve it’s land. For an animal refuge, you will understand, the sanctity of the land is mission critical ...
Isn’t that nice? I hope the lady understands and isn’t mad. We just can’t let anybody get hurt here at Rikki’s Refuge.
Please join our cause by clicking here.
Invite your friends to join, Wildlife Habitat, so little left, don’t let us lose any protected lands.
Surveying Rikki’s Refuge
Our survey, running more than six miles around the perimeter of Rikki’s Refuge has began. It may surprise you to know we didn’t have this done when we first got the property. The initial donation was for 330 acres. We asked about a survey then, and being city folks and used to the standard fee for a ¼ acre and well documented lot, we were shocked at the cost and time it would take to do a full survey of 330 acres. WHY? Well for one, it’s a long, long way to go. Secondly much of this rural land hasn’t been surveyed for hundreds of years, making it like a puzzle to find corners and referenced parts. It takes a lot of research just to get to the point where you can even begin to walk the land.
James Luther, our surveyor, has finished the research and paper work and has started marking out corners and known points. Next he’ll have to follow up and shoot lines form one point to the next. When you’re going over hills and thru creeks and thru thick brush -- well, the job just gets harder and longer!
The time has come, to properly defend the wild animals who call our woods and wetlands home, a proper survey must be done. Not only for the current issue at hand, but also to put an end to the poaching problem. Without a clearly marked boundary, it’s hard to dispute in court, did you catch them here or ten feet back?
This is how our deed describes our main parcel of land:
Three hundred thirty & 3/100 acres more or less, beginning at a cedar tree, corner to Jack Lee, and Mrs. Luck, thence S. 20 W. 3550 feet to a stake, corner to Frank Johnson; thence N. 29 3/4 W. 1584 feet to stake at foot of fallen down tree, corner to Frank Johnson, thence along branch to stump near forks of run, corner to Frank Johnson, thence S.34 W. 510 feet to stake corner to Wherton; thence S. 66 W. 1458 feet to stake corner to Jim Williams in J. E. Willis; thence S. 45 1/2 W. 74 feet to stake corner to J. E. Willis; thence S. 64 1/4 W. 160 feet to stake near a marked gum tree corner to John Camel and J. E. Willis line; thence N. 24 1/2 W. 700 feet to stake to corner to Alec Camel, thence N. 56 E. 560 feet to stake in line of fallen oak tree; corner to Clifton Turner and Alec Camel; thence N. 62 1/2 E. 1600 feet to center of Berry Run corner to Clifton Turner stake on South bank of run; thence along run to center of Berry Run opposite oak stump on North side corner to the Orange Realty Company; thence N. 60 1/2 E. 3640 feet to large white oak fallen down, corner to Orange Realty Company; thence N. 26 3/4 E. 947 feet to post in stump hole corner to R. E. Faulconer in Orange Realty Company's line; thence S.66 3/4 E. 1254 feet to point of beginning.
For real. That’s how they did it more than a hundred years ago. So could you find your way around? First off you have to research back and see who owned the surrounding parcels at the time this was written - or even more likely what parcel was being called this as it might be really old labels or nick names of the property or something. Then try to find THE cedar tree referenced. And THE fallen down log that the termites probably finished off around the turn of the century and I don’t mean the millennium!!!
The other 37 acre parcel has a much more modern survey and will be easy.
We will be clearing the brush for about a ten foot wide path around the perimeter.
We will post frequent NO TRESPASSING / NO HUNTING signs, we will paint the silver marks that mean no trespassing. Do you know why we have to do that? The poachers constantly say they didn’t know they were on our property, it wasn’t marked, and then you find all our torn down no trespassing signs in a pile 20 feet away, or even in the back of their trucks!
They even try to peel the bark off the trees where the silver symbol is painted!!! Amazing, but just look at some of the trees near the new fence that was put blocking the path the logging person wants to use. It’s true!
In addition to the standard no trespassing, no hunting symbols, we will be putting three bright orange stripes around the trees. This will give notice to all the adjoining landowners exactly where our property starts and where their hunting better stop. We can then send them a plat, pictures of the markings, and a request to stay off the property. Next hunting season when they are caught, our conviction rate will go way way up!
We need your help. This project is huge. It will take months and months of many of us working together to clear brush for the boundary line without harming any habitat. Can you sign on to help? Kerry@RikkisRefuge.org
Adopt a Doggie
April 23, SATURDAY Ring Dog Rescue adoptions - 11 am - 3 pm. Wonderful adoptable doggies in need of forever homes! South Stafford PetSmart, Store #1928, 27 South Gateway Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-372-1258
Foster homes needed
Spring has sprung as the saying goes and with it kittens and puppies are being born at a frantic pace. This early in the year, we’re talking little baby fuzzies! Newborns galore, some with their mothers and some without. These tiny guys and gals can’t be vaccinated for several weeks and are at their most vulnerable in a shelter setting where strays and ill animals also seek refuge. Foster homes are most urgently needed for mother cats and kittens right now. As of today, we have two feline families who need a quiet corner of your home in which to nap, eat and grow strong. We have wire dog crates, litter pans, bedding and all the supplies ready to loan. Please spread the word and give the Orange County Animal Shelter a call at (540)672-1124 if you can help.
Bunny Bonanza
We were really disappointed to have to cancel Bunny Bonanza cuz of the weather. If you bought advance tickets please contact Kerry@RikkisRefuge.org for a refund.
Inner Circle
Coming soon to a computer near you Vincent’s Inner Circle, learn the secrets, get behind the scenes. My Inner Circle Club will be only for my closest friends who really care and love me and want to share my life even more intimately then we do now!! Are you excited? Do YOU want to join? Keep watching here for details.
Help my Vet and my Pharmacist
they can be named number one in Culpeper
You only have to enter a name and email address.
Go to Animal Care
and then Veterinarian
and enter Culpeper Animal Hospital
then down to Medical and Health
and then Pharmacy
and enter Culpeper Pharmacy
and then click “Submit” at the bottom
click here to get started
Meet YOUR Friends!!
Nanny the Oldest Goat on the Planet
Sally the Fattest Goat on the Planet
NO, she’s NOT pregnant!
Napoleon, an Elderly Gentleman
Great Purrchases
Take a look at what’s on ebay benefiting Rikki’s Refuge!!
Here’s just a small sampling of the Good Shopping!!
Click any item for details.
Paw Painted Easter Eggs
by Mystique the Kitty Artist
only $6
Too Hot For Spot
Summer is coming, it’s warming up.
Every car should have one
Saves lives
Adorable Vintage Easter Postcards
a wide range to choose from including
These and other items!
Beanie Babies Frogs
6 Beanie Babies One Price
Graduation Time
Upcoming Events
SATURDAYS DONATION DROP OFF, noon - 2 pm, got something to drop off quick? The gates will be unlocked. No tour at this time, just drop off. Donation Drop Off will be available every Saturday from noon - 2 pm in 2011
SUNDAYS TOUR THE REFUGE - NOON, mini tour, take a walk around and see the animal neighborhoods. Every week on Sunday you can join a mini tour where you can walk around from animal neighborhood to neighborhood, from Piggy Paradise to Horsey Haven and see the animals. One tour only, starts at noon. Please be prompt.
NEXT TO LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH VOLUNTEER TRAIN BASIC 11 am- 3 pm, Learn the basics about volunteering at Rikki’s Refuge. Help with donation logging, washing dishes and liter boxes, socializing the animals and much more. 4/23, 5/21, 6/18, 7/23, 8/20, 9/17, 10/22, 11/19, 12/24
LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH VOLUNTEER TRAIN SELF SERVICE 8 am - 1 pm, Learn to earn your Self Service Volunteer Badge. 4/30, 5/28, 6/25, 7/30, 8/27, 9/24, 10/29, 11/26, 12/31
April 23, 2011 SATURDAY Ring Dog Rescue adoptions - 11 am - 3 pm. Wonderful adoptable doggies in need of forever homes! South Stafford PetSmart, Store #1928, 27 South Gateway Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-372-1258
April 23, 2011 SATURDAY EARTH DAY GARDENING - Pick a garden spot you can call your own and cultivate it into everlasting beauty. Grow a beautiful display of flowers, maybe one aimed at attracting butterflies or bees or birds. How about a rock garden? Veggies for the critters? We need to plant trees and ivy and grape arbors for future shade. What ever you like to grow - would like to grow at Rikki's! How about stopping by your favorite nursery and asking them to donate a plant or tree or shrub or some flowers or seeds for the refuge?
April 23, 2011 SATURDAY RABBIT & GUINEA PIG BIRTHDAY PARTY - Celebrate for all the rabbits, help beautify Rabbit Rotunda - paint the rabbit house, bring a small can of your favorite color and a brush, donate or transplant a bush or tree or even a berry bush, build shade areas, donate and plant ivy or grape vines for natural shade cover, use your imagination and do something great for the rabbits.
April 24, 2011 SUNDAY Easter Sunday - special treat for bunnies and chicks and all their friends, help give them fresh bedding
April 24, 2011 SUNDAY MOMS & DAUGHTERS DAY - come out as a team and see how much you can accomplish in one day. Who can do more? Moms and Daughters? Dads and Sons? Moms and Sons? Or Dads and Daughters?
April 24, 2011 SUNDAY PHOTO CONTEST DAY - in honor of the first Polaroid camera being sold
April 21, 1948, come and get your best shot of your favorite critter - winner's photo on the web.
April 30, 2011 SATURDAY CAT DAY CHANGING OF SEASON - Clean out the winter bedding and prepare for the warm weather.
April 30, 2011 SATURDAY NATIONAL ARBOR DAY TREE PLANTING - Donate or dig up and transplant a tree to provide future shade for the animals. We have plenty of small trees at the wood line that would love to be relocated. Bring just yourself and work gloves, we have the shovels.
April 30 & May 1, 2011 SATURDAY & SUNDAY BE AN ANIMAL ARTIST ASSISTANT - doing painting with the animals. We have paints and canvases and picture mats and Christmas ornaments ready to go! Oh, and lots of paper towels! It's going to be messy, but fun. Wear your painting clothes and painting shoes, and let's paint with the animals! The chickens, the pigs, the goats, the dogs, the cats, the sheep, and India the cow! Let's find out how artistic they are! From 11:00 until we are done. We need 2 or 3 people to help with each animal that paints. We will also need a photographer to capture it all! Photos of the animal painting will help with making "certificates of authenticity" to go along with each painting. We hope to have the paintings on display for sale at various locations, and will also sell them online. Please RSVP to me, so that I will have an idea of how many supplies to bring. Melissa Felts dogslife24@comcast.net PS: painting with the animals will be postponed in the event of rain on April 30th.
Please help us if you can.
No donation is ever too small. Your dollar will care for one animal for a day. We need YOU. We need YOUR help.
Thank you for your love and support.
Together we’re making a marvelous difference!!!
April 23, 2011
PS: Please help me, I’ll try anything to keep the Refuge Running. I need your continued support.
Without YOU, I’d be out in the cold. Thank you for paying my rent at Rikki’s Refuge.
The Fine Print
Rikki's Refuge in Orange County, Virginia, is a 367-acre, no-kill, all species, peaceful sanctuary supported solely by donations from kind and loving individuals just like you! We help farm animals, domestic animals, and wildlife. Over 1200 individuals of 22 different species now reside at Rikki's Refuge. Please continue to help us help the animals. To learn more about Rikki's Refuge go to http://www.rikkisrefuge.org/, http://www.rikkisrefuge.blogspot.com/, and http://www.flickr.com/photos/rikkis_refuge .
We survive on donations from kind and loving people, just like you. We live on a shoestring and make it on less than one dollar per day, per animal. So if you can spare a couple of bucks to buy a few meals, please go to http://www.paypal.com/ and use our email address of mail@rikkisrefuge.org . We do accept checks, money orders, cash and stuff, too! Thanks for your support. Rikki's Refuge, PO Box 1357, Orange VA 22960
Your donations directly support the Critters of Rikki’s Refuge. Rikki's Refuge is owned and operated by Life Unlimited of Virginia, Inc., an IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Virginia Corporation. Federal Tax-ID 54-1911042. We hold membership in all Combined Federal Campaigns in Virginia #77674, Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign #3163, PetsMart Charities #1377, iGive, Benevolink, paypal.com (mail@rikkisrefuge.org), your donations provide direct support. A financial statement is available upon written request from the State Office of Consumer Affairs.
If you know others who'd enjoy reading about the exciting adventures at Rikki's Refuge let me know and I'll be happy to include them. If you are one of those strange humans who does not wish to laugh and cry with us, simply reply with "REMOVE" and nothing but "REMOVE" in the subject line.

